Why is Beaverton Pet Clinic still doing curbside service?

Short answer – because we want to stay open to serve YOU!

The longer answer is more detailed, including state regulations and best practices for the health and safety of our patients, clients and staff.

First, Oregon OSHA has adopted Temporary COVID-19 Workplace Rules, which includes specific requirements for veterinary facilities and mandates curbside service. From oregonvma.org on 10/27/20:

“The state’s workplace and safety division will soon approve regulations that require all employers to implement risk-reducing measures to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus. The temporary rule, which will take effect in November, would remain in effect for 180 days.”

To read the full guidance and curbside mandate, visit https://oregonvma.org/news/covid-19-patient-care-guidance

Second, we’ve seen many colleagues in vet med experience devastating staff impacts from COVID-19, and we’re closely monitoring industry best practices to reduce risk. Based on this, we’ve determined that maintaining curbside service, among other internal sanitation and hygiene practices, is the most effective way to help prevent BPC from having to shorten hours, or worse yet, close due to sick team members. The thought of putting our team members and clients at risk or being unable to care for our patients is unimaginable.

Lastly, we realize that it may seem like there is little risk to you coming in for your pet’s appointment, and with the safety measures we’re taking within the practice that may be the case. However, our doctors and staff are in a very different position. This is due to the physical space and size of our clinic, number of appointments we see every day, veterinary appointments requiring an enclosed space for safe examination, and the length of in-person appointments exceeding the 15-minute exposure guidelines set forth by the CDC.

On average each one of our doctors sees between 200-300 patients per month. With in-person appointments, that means each doctor and some support team members would have CDC-defined exposure to that many individual pet owners each and every month. Our team are regular folks outside of work with family and household members they care about. As their employer, we believe it’s our duty to keep them as safe as possible while at work so they and their loved ones can stay healthy.

We know that leaving your pet with us can be stressful– our staff and doctors are pet owners themselves and truly understand how difficult it is to be away from your pet, especially when you’re worried about an illness or injury.
We take our duty to abide by the strictest guidelines for patient, client and staff safety seriously for all our industry’s regulating organizations. We assure you that “behind the scenes”, your pet’s care is performed with the same level of love and professionalism as before COVID. To see pictures of patients during their curbside appointments, follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

More resources:

Kindness is contagious, help us spread it!
An update on veterinary care in the age of coronavirus
BPC’s COVID Service FAQs
COVID Updates

What's Next

  • 1

    Call us or schedule an appointment online.

  • 2

    Meet with a doctor for an initial exam.

  • 3

    Put a plan together for your pet.